Worldwide Shipping of Authentic Thai Health & Beauty Products
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Welcome to SiamBazar, your one-stop online store for health and beauty products from the heart of Southeast Asia. Based in Chon Buri, Thailand, we proudly deliver our authentic products worldwide with efficient and reliable shipping services.
Reliable Next-Day Shipping:
SiamBazar is committed to offering swift and efficient delivery. We provide next-day shipping on all orders from Monday to Friday, ensuring your chosen products leave our warehouse promptly after your purchase.
A Diverse Range of Products:
Indulge in a plethora of cosmetics, food items, massage supplements, and more predominantly sourced from Southeast Asia including Thailand, Korea, and China. Experience the quality and authenticity of these regions with every purchase.
Track Your Order Anytime, Anywhere:
Stay informed about your order’s journey with our parcel tracking facility. Upon shipping, we provide a unique tracking number, enabling you to monitor your order’s location and progress. For your convenience, this service is available on various carrier websites: ThailandPost, DHL, and FedEx.
Cost-Effective Shipping Options:
We prioritize affordable and efficient shipping, with costs calculated based on the weight of your parcel. We primarily use ThailandPost for reliable and cost-effective air delivery services, ensuring you receive your goods promptly and in excellent condition.
ThailandPost Air Delivery:
For optimal efficiency, we recommend ThailandPost’s air delivery option. While land shipping is available, air delivery significantly reduces the shipping times, delivering your orders within an approximate period of 1.5-2 weeks.
DHL Express Delivery:
For those seeking faster delivery, we offer DHL’s express shipping service. Although a premium option, DHL’s worldwide coverage ensures your orders reach you swiftly and securely. To request shipping by DHL, please contact us using this form.
Your satisfaction is our top priority at SiamBazar. We continuously strive to improve our services and bring the finest products from Southeast Asia right to your doorstep. Experience the magic of online shopping with SiamBazar – your gateway to Thailand’s best.
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$7.57 (-15%)
$5.56 (-20%)
$15.96 (-20%)
$31.88 (-20%)
$12.76 (-20%)
$13.59 (-15%)
$9.68 (-10%)
$5.56 (-20%)
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$23.96 (-20%)
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